Sevilla European Film Festival



Small Body will be presented by director Laura Samani in the Extraordinary Stories selection

by Laura Samani Small Body

directed by Laura Samani Italy/Slovenia/France  2021  89mn  1.85:1  Italian dialect  1st Feature Film Original title: Piccolo Corpo



7/11/2021  C. Nerv 14 at 19:45

8/11/2021  C. Nerv 9 at 22:00

9/11/2021  C. Nerv 13 at 22:15

Competition Critics
TIFF - Contemporary World Cinema
TIFF - Contemporary World Cinema
TIFF - Contemporary World Cinema
TIFF - Contemporary World Cinema
TIFF - Contemporary World Cinema
TIFF - Contemporary World Cinema
Best 1st film
Best 1st film
Best 1st film
Best 1st film
Best 1st film
Best 1st film