Drowning Dry
by Laurynas Bareiša
To celebrate Lukas’ victory at the martial arts tournament and Tomas’ birthday party, two sisters organize a weekend at the country house.
With their kids, they go swimming in a nearby lake, relax and discuss family finances.
After the near tragic accident of one of the children, the sisters become single mothers.
Lithuania, Latvia 88 min. 1.85:1 5.1 Lithuanian (Original title: SESĖS)
Written and Directed by
Laurynas Bareiša
Produced by
Afterschool – Klementina Remeikaité
Coproduced by
Trickster – Matīss Kaža
Gelminė Glemžaitė (Ernesta)
Agnė Kaktaitė (Juste)
Giedrius Kiela (Tomas)
Paulius Markevičius (Lukas)
Director and scriptwriter: Laurynas Bareiša
cinematography by Laurynas Bareiša
production design by Sigita Šimkūnaitė
edited by Silvija Vilkaitė
sound design by Julius Grigelionis
costumes by Laura Kraukle
make-up by Beata Rjabovska and Ieva Sebre
DROWNING DRY is the Official Candidate for the Oscar®
Busan International Film Festival – Flash Forward Competition
Central and Eastern European Film Festival – Cinéscope
Mostra de Sao Paulo – New Directors Competition
Riga International Film Festival – Jury’s Special Mention
Zagreb Film Festival – Competition
Stockholm Film Festival – Competition
Sevilla European Film Festival – Best Film Rampa Section
Festival de Cinema Europeo in Lecce- Best Screenplay & Best Actor for Paulius Markevičius
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival – Award for Best Baltic Director
Braunschweig International Film Festival – Main Competition
Tbilisi International Film Festival
Belgrade Auteur Film Festival – International Competition
Palm Springs Film Festival
Pune International Film Festival – Global Cinema
Bengaluru International Film Festival (India)
Latur Film Festival (India)
Kosmorama Film Festival (Norway)
Febiofest (Slovakia)
Raving Press Quotes
Le Monde by Clarisse Fabre
The Moveable Fest by Stephen Saito
“Inventive , Engrossing drama, genuinely unnerving experience, emotional logic impressively holds throughout”
The Hollywood Reporter by Jordan Mintzer
“Bareiša served as his own cinematographer on the film, and his sober, carefully orchestrated shots recall the work of Michael Haneke”
We’re watching slices of life, but slices that are rearranged several times until they’re shaped into a credible story about overcoming trauma.
The Film Stage by Rory O’Connor
Bareiša’s is a singular work: conceptually rich in its design and ideas, beautifully shot in its own evasive way, even cruelly funny.
A film built on more subtly unnerving imagery––shot by the director himself
Drowning Dry is a wonderfully destabilising film hiding an ever-burning emotional fire beneath a layer of sophisticated sang-froid.
The Film Verdict by Carmen Gray
Laurynas Bareiša’s haunting and profoundly disorienting drama
it would be inaccurate to label it a thriller, despite its suspenseful mystery and shocking tragedies
High on Films by Debanjan Dhar
Bareiša is a persistently innovative filmmaker
The climactic conversation between the two sisters is phenomenally performed